The viral message claims that all your WhatsApp calls will be recorded and your social media pages will be monitored regularly. As the Indian government introduced new IT rules on all social media apps, the message claims that WhatsApp has introduced its new communication rules as per the demands of the government. Are you really tensed about this message? This message going viral is not at all serious. We will discuss this further with all the worthy points.
Can WhatsApp Record Your Call?
Before concluding at one point, we should know that all WhatsApp calls and chats are end to end encrypted. This means that your calls and chats can neither be recorded nor stored. WhatsApp itself cannot decrypt your chat, so do you really think that a third party can access your chat? To check your end to end encryption, you can compare your security code with the recipient. If the code is the same, you don't have to worry, all your shared chats, photos, videos and other content are safe.
Storing such a large data is not a joke. It will require a lot of data centers to be built which is not as easy as sending a message on a messaging app.
What is the "Three Red Tick System"?
WhatsApp has a tick system which is very well known among all of us. But the message claims that the tick system is being updated and will include the following things -
1) Three blue ticks indicate that the government has read the message.
2) Two blue ticks and one red tick are signs that the government will take necessary action against you.
3) One blue tick and two red ticks means that the message is being investigated by the government.
4) Three red ticks means that you will be summoned in court soon.
Are you serious? Is privacy a joke to you? The person spreading this "fake message" should be treated with this updated tick system.(joke)
Facebook has clarified that this message going viral is false.
Is our privacy at danger?
No, not at all WhatsApp has taken many necessary steps to protect its users privacy in the past. And you should not be too surprised to hear that WhatsApp has challenged the government in the court regarding the privacy of its users. We should wait for the decision of the government. Till then you should not at all be tensed regarding your privacy and data. But government of India has stated that they don't want to look into the data of users. But they have the condition that every social media app has to keep a manager to look after the data users post in public. So that they can keep the social media platforms clean of all the dusts which revolves around the web. Which will help the youth to get influenced in a good way, rather than moving to a wrong path.
Can WhatsApp change its rules in future if the court opposes it?
Yes, it can happen. As there is no person with the power to change the decision of court. The decision of court is the final decision. But there is very less chances for the court to oppose WhatsApp as every person has right to speech. A person has a full right to keep his/her data confidential.
After this whole discussion, we have came to an end that all these messages going viral are false and you should neither trust these messages nor forward them to anyone. Which will keep the social media free of these rumours.
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